Thursday, 29 July 2010

Dunwich Dynamo

The Dunwich Dynamo is a 120 mile night ride. Not a race, just a friendly (albeit rather long) cycle ride. It is on the Saturday that is nearest to the full moon in July. Starting in London Fields, Hackney. It progresses north east up to the village of Dunwich.
Here is a contact of the start of the Dun Run. I was slightly tempted to take the 5x4 with me. I would of liked to have shot the destination as everyone is ready to go and excited at the beginning and the end result is a mass lie-in on the beach at dawn which would of been a nice contrast. Maybe next year.

Thursday, 1 July 2010


Every so often I get the urge to do the street photography thing. I was waiting in the Vodafone shop for my girlfriend to sort her phone out, doggy over here was waiting for his master to come back with cigarettes, we made eye contact. Then doggy yawned and looked away. I don't care, he/she will die before me. Hopefully.